dijous, 14 de maig del 2009

Barça. The best

I'm very happy. Barça is the best! What a year, fantastic!!. But I'm a little ungry because the people to take profit in this ocasions to be agressive, violent....ang broke everything...Well, it's very difficult to avoid it.
See you

dimecres, 13 de maig del 2009

Final course

Hi mates, it seems no really but at last we've arrived. The final course is here. No more exams an no more homework. Holiday. What are you going to do next summer? I hope taking a rest with my family in the Pirinees and getting enough energy to face the fifth cours, the last course! See you.

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

Nela is just arrived from Mexico. I hope she had enjoy a lot and I especially hope she's a good health, you know, "the pig flu". According to the news, in Mexico there is a bit of panic, but I really think there is not reason to worried about it because with a correct medical treatment there is no problem.

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2009

Hi mates, how about your easter holiday? I'm ready to go out on thursday to the Pyrinees whith my family. I hope the wether be better than today, it has been pouring!
Have a good easter!

dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009

My first blog experience

I'm not sure about how is going to finished this blog, but I hope it will be funny.